
IOLI membership benefits include:

A quarterly publication, the I.O.L.I. Bulletin, which includes articles, patterns, ideas and news of lace-related activities.

Access to lending libraries for books, periodicals, videotapes, slides

A traveling lace study box.

A handbook including a directory of I.O.L.I. charter chapters and members throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and 23 foreign countries.

Grants for the enhancement of lace education and study.

An annual Convention offering:

Lectures and classes for a variety of lacemaking techniques, including bobbin and needle laces, tatting, crochet and knitting.

A display of lace-collected and made by I.O.L.I. members and friends.

A gathering of lacemaking suppliers.

Tours and other lace-related events.

Members receive 4 quarterly issues of the Bulletin and an annual Handbook. Both the printed and digital versions are the same. Your membership begins March 1st, June 1st, September 1st, or December 1st after you pay your dues. The label on your Bulletin indicates when your subscription expires.

Family Membership is defined as a second person living at the same address as the Full Member. Individuals designated as Family Memberships do NOT receive Bulletins or a Handbook. Family Membership does include listing in the Handbook and library and voting privileges. The rate for Family Membership is $10.00 per person.

I.O.L.I. Membership Fees

Yearly Membership fees in U.S. Dollars (Includes the Bulletin, printed and mailed. You also have access to the online Bulletin.)

Digital versions of the Handbook are viewable on the I.O.L.I. Website under the Members Only link. The printed and digital versions are the same.

I.O.L.I. Membership FormS

There are 3 ways to complete your membership form:

Use one of these forms for making corrections to information that has been published in the handbook:

If you have questions about membership, please email the Membership Chair for assistance.

I.O.L.I. Privacy Policy

This document explains the Privacy Policy of I.O.L.I., with particular reference to the collection, storage and use of your personal data in the context of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).